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Afrikaans Quotes about Love
15 words
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Afrikaans Quotes about Love
15 words
Ek is miskien nie jou eerste date, soen, of liefde nie, maar ek wil jou laaste wees.
I may not be your first date, kiss, or love, but I want to be your last.
Die beste gevoel is as jy na hom kyk was hy alklaar besig om te staar.
The best feeling is when you look at him and he is already staring.
Saam met jou is my gunsteling plek om te wees.
Together with you is my favorite place to be.
As ek my lewe weer kan lewe, wil ek jou gouer vind.
If I were to live my life again, I'd find you sooner.
Ek wil jou gunsteling hallo wees en jou moeilikste totsiens.
I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye.
Oral waar ek kyk word ek herinner aan jou liefde. Jy is my wêreld.
Everywhere I look I am reminded of your love. You are my world.
Liefde is soos die wind, jy kan dit nie sien nie, maar jy kan dit voel.
Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it.
As ek weet wat liefde is, is dit as gevolg van jou.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
As ek kyk na jou, sien ek die res van my lewe voor my oë.
When I look at you, I see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.
Om lief te hê is niks. Om liefde te ontvang is iets. Maar om lief te hê en liefde te ontvang is alles.
To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved is everything.
Ek sweer ek kan jou nie meer lief hê as wat ek nou doen nie, en tog weet ek, ek sal môre.
I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.
Ek het nie paradys nodig nie, want ek het jou gevind. Ek het nie drome nodig nie omdat ek jou het.
I don’t need paradise because I found you. I don’t need dreams because I have you.
As ek iets reg gedoen het in my lewe, was dit toe ek my hart vir jou gegee het.
If I did anything right in my life, it was when I gave my heart to you.
Ek is baie meer myself wanneer ek by jou is.
I'm much more me when I'm with you.
Dankie dat jy altyd my reënboog na die storm is.
Thank you for always being my rainbow after the storm.
2017-03-17 16:33:32

What did you think about these quotes? Let us know in the comments!

P.S., Be sure to check out some more phrases about love in this wordlist here:
2022-10-09 11:19:23

Hi Brookie,

Thank you for posting! ❤️😊

Please don't hesitate to contact us if any questions arise throughout your studies. We would be happy to assist!




2022-10-08 20:21:58


2019-06-21 00:26:47

Hey Dario

Thanks for the comment, hopefully, you can get an Afrikaans lady to read it for you! 😎

Lekker dag



2019-06-15 22:18:46

Ek wens daar was frases wat deur vroue gepraat is
