10 Best Afrikaans Movies to Watch!

Watching movies can be a great way to improve your Afrikaans speaking and listening skills. Enjoy watching the best Afrikaans movies while you’re learning at AfrikaansPod101.com!

Watching Afrikaans movies with English subtitles is a fantastic language learning aid. It allows you to listen to native speakers, as well as watch their lips to see how words are pronounced. It’s also a great way to learn more about the Afrikaner culture! Impress your AfrikaansPod101 facilitator with your knowledge by watching Afrikaans movies online.

When it comes to free Afrikaans movies to watch online, free copies and services are unfortunately sparse. Subscribing to sites such as Filmdoo, or a service such as Showmax, will broaden your options. These services aren’t expensive, so they might be worth the investment.

Here are ten of the best African movies to watch for fun and learning. Memorize the most famous quotes from these films, and ask your facilitator to help you with pronunciation, if you’re not sure! Here are some tips to improve your pronunciation while watching movies in Afrikaans.

Ways to improve pronunciation

Table of Contents

  1. Afrikaans Thriller Movies
  2. Afrikaans Comedy Movies
  3. Afrikaans Drama Movies
  4. Free Afrikaans Movies to Watch Online
  5. Conclusion: Why Study with AfrikaansPod101?

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Movie genres

1. Afrikaans Thriller Movies

Afrikaans people prefer comedies, human dramas, and romance—these genres abound on their screens! However, they have a chilling taste for serial killer movies too… Here are two of the best Afrikaans films in this category. And interestingly, both of these African movies of horror have a wolf as the central theme…

1- Wolf Wolf

In some African movies, history plays a big role.

Set in the 1970s, rural South Africa, Wolf Wolf involves a disgruntled married woman, a man in a wheelchair, a journalist, a serial killer, and a few plot twists. Adriana Wolfaardt, a ballet teacher, decides to spend some time alone on her and her husband’s farm, Duiwelslaagte. En route, she picks up who she thinks is her husband’s cousin…but is he?

Quote: Ja, maar wanneer het jy hom vir die eerste keer ontmoet?
Translation: “Yes, but when did you meet him for the first time?”

Watch the trailer, and see if you’re up for a nail-biting experience…

2- Wolwedans in die Skemer

Translated, the title means “dance of the wolves at dusk.”

The story deals with a pretty young woman, Sonja Daneel, who’s involved in a serious car accident after spotting a wolf on the road. This is significant, since no wolf has ever been spotted in these woods.

She completely loses her memory after hitting her head in the accident.

She remains working as a receptionist at the luxurious lobby of Hotel Njala, but, of course, all is not as benign and harmless as it seems… With the help of a police constable, Sonja starts piecing back her identity (which is the reason she works at Hotel Njala).

Watch this tale of family intrigue, brutal serial killings, and a farm called Wolwedans in one of the most picturesque areas of South African inland.

Wolwedans is one of the slicker Afrikaans productions on the scene, and is based on a riveting radio story of the same name. It was written and produced by South African author and movie maker Leon van Nierop.

Quote: Jy moet jouself oopmaak vir die wolwe, Diana.
Translation: “You must open yourself to the wolves, Diana.”

2. Afrikaans Comedy Movies

As we mentioned earlier, the Afrikaans people love to laugh, which means that there are plenty of Afrikaans comedy movies around. Get your share of fun in Afrikaans with these popular movies.

1- Semi Soet

One of South Africa’s most successful romantic comedies, Semi Soet tells the story of a young advertising executive, Jaci, who would do everything in her power to save her company from landing in the jaws of a giant corporation. This can only be done if she lands a contract with a prestigious wine farm estate, Vrede en Lust.

To do this, Jaci has to jump through several hilarious hoops on her prospective client’s beautiful farm. And, of course, there’s a big surprise in the plot for the heroine…

Funny and convincing, this romcom gained four stars on IMDb. An easy and entertaining view, it’s ideal for whiling away a lazy Saturday afternoon.

Quote: Al wat jy moet doen is net om te maak asof jy my smoor verliefde verloofde is vir twee ure.
Translation: “All you have to do is pretend to be my deeply besotted fiancé for two hours.”

2- Liefling, die Movie

In African movies, a love story is always appreciated.

Probably the best known of all Afrikaans musical movies, this 2010 romcom was a blockbuster in South Africa. Theaters filled to watch the story of a young, beautiful woman, an engineer student, and their obstructed path toward each other and true love.

The male lead is played by one of South Africa’s most beloved and successful male singers, Bobbie van Jaarsveld.

Quote: Wanneer jy jou eerste liefde ontmoet, is dit soos ‘n sprokies verhaal.
Translation: “When you meet your first love, it is like a fairy tale.”

Watch this film for light entertainment, and learn the songs in Afrikaans to sing along!

3- Vir die Voëls

This is yet another romantic Afrikaans movie, but differs from the others. Irma, young and pretty, isn’t your run-of-the-mill girl at all. She’s headstrong, and not a follower of societal norms. Of course, her free spirit lands her in trouble many times, but how did she end up in front of the pulpit?

Watch this fun Afrikaans comedy to find out.

Quote: Die ding is, ek is nie seker of ek die res van my lewe saam met daardie man wil spandeer nie.
Translation: “Thing is, I don’t know if I want to spend the rest of my life with this man.”

Definitely a heroine with a mind of her own!

4- Hollywood in my Huis

Jana is one of her school’s losers. Pretty but not popular, she nevertheless dreams of accompanying the school’s heartthrob, Brandon, to their Matric Farewell dance. She makes plans to change her destiny, but of course, not all goes as planned.

Note: The South African Matric Farewell dance is similar to the Prom night in the U.S.

Quote: Hierdie is die nag waarin jou wildste drome gaan waarkom.
Translation: “This is the night where your wildest dreams will come true.”

5- Die Windpomp

This award-winning comedy centers around the coming-of-age of a young schoolboy named Hendri. Hendri eventually needs to move to his grandfather’s retirement village, where he meets a motley crew of colorful characters…with interesting results.

Quote: Is jy lus om jonk te wees?
Translation: “Do you feel like being young?”

A gentle, fun watch with a bit more to it than meets the eye.

6- Vir Altyd

When she gets dumped in front of the altar, Nina finds herself fighting against the feeling that her last chance for happiness is gone. Despite the groom’s betrayal, she decides to go on a honeymoon anyway, and takes a long-lost childhood friend with her.

The film is beautifully shot in gorgeous locations—pure escapist fun.

Quote: Ek kannie wag om jou vrou te wees nie.
Translation: “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

A tad formulaic, Vir Altyd nevertheless made millions at the box office in South Africa.

3. Afrikaans Drama Movies

While it’s true that South Africans love a good comedy, they’re also able to get very serious in their cinema. Here are some of the best tearjerkers with grit.

1- Raaiselkind

Called a “powerful drama” by reviewers, Raaiselkind is based on a book about the life of Ingrid, the mother of an autistic boy who’s found dead in a bathtub at home. She’s being investigated for his murder. The movie tells her difficult, heartbreaking story.

Getting eight stars on IMDb, this drama is worth the watch, even if it isn’t easy viewing.

Quote: ‘n Spieel het gebreek tussen my en hom.
Translation: “A mirror broke between me and him.”

2- Krotoa

The movie deals with the history of a bright, eleven-year-old Khoi girl named Krotoa from the Goringhaicona tribe in the Cape, South Africa. She gets taken away from her close-knit family to serve her uncle’s trading partner, Jan Van Riebeeck. Despite many hardships, she grows up to become a visionary, strong woman and a Dutch interpreter for Van Riebeeck. The man later became the first Governor of what was formerly the Cape Colony.

While the film won numerous international cinema awards, critics and the public bashed it for being historically incorrect, and racially biased. Beautifully shot, it’s nevertheless worth the watch.

Quote: Sy sal u nie teleurstel nie.
Translation: “She will not disappoint you.”

4. Free Afrikaans Movies to Watch Online

So, after viewing our African movies list, are there Afrikaans films/African movies free online for you to watch?

Unfortunately, there’s not a great amount of free Afrikaans movies to watch online, as mentioned earlier. When it comes to African movies, YouTube is probably your best bet, where the keyphrase: “full Afrikaans movies” or “Afrikaans movies full” will get you some good hits.

Many of these, however, aren’t great quality, and are without English subtitles. Perhaps these should be saved for when you can speak Afrikaans better, because there are some cinematic gems among them! Here are the most common Afrikaans vocabulary that you may find in the movies.

Top verbs

5. Conclusion: Why Study with AfrikaansPod101?

AfrikaansPod101, like all Innovative Language Learning ventures, takes the pain out of learning a new language by adding a lot of fun. Signing up will instantly give you access to numerous free learning tools, such as these Afrikaans key phrases.

Different membership options unlock benefits such as a personal tutor, available nearly 24/7, or access to knowledgeable, energetic hosts. Learn to speak like a native, instructed by a native speaker.

Also gain access to apps and other tools you can use on your phone, tablet, or laptop, anywhere you are. For instance, practice these 100 Core Afrikaans Words anywhere you are! Or, learn an Afrikaans word a day…anywhere, anytime.

Get a new lesson delivered every day. Because with millions of lessons already delivered, you can’t go wrong with AfrikaansPod101! So, sign up now and watch your hard work turn you into a masterful Afrikaans speaker!

In the meantime, let us know if you plan on watching African movies to learn Afrikaans. If so, which South African movie(s) do you want to see most? Let us know in the comments!

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