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Archive for June 29th, 2020

Learn the 100 Most Common Nouns in Afrikaans

A noun in Afrikaans is called a selfstandige naamwoord, which literally translates as "independent name word." That makes sense, considering that nouns are the names of people, places, animals, things, and ideas or concepts. Yet, when looking at any sentence, what is a noun in Afrikaans? The answer to that isn’t overly simple, like in any other language, but that's the nature of grammar for you. That said, it's not impossibly difficult, so why not learn the difference between a common noun in Afrikaans and a collective noun in Afrikaans at AfrikaansPod101? We make it easy for you! Take a look at this list of the Fifty Most Common Nouns in Afrikaans, for instance. It's possible to speak like a native Afrikaner with our help! For... Show more