Do you know what one of the best things about the Afrikaans language is? Its array of colorful sayings and quotes!
In this article, we’ll introduce you to the best Afrikaans quotes on every aspect of life. You’ll recognize some of these Afrikaans quotes, as they have equivalents in English; others will be unfamiliar to you because they’re unique to Afrikaans. Let us know in the comments which of them have equivalents in your language!
At AfrikaansPod101, we aim to enhance your language learning experience at all times. Sayings and quotes are so particular to a language—knowing and using them will introduce you to Afrikaans and the Afrikaner culture in a unique, almost intimate way!
Are you ready to up your Afrikaans game? Let’s get started.

- A) Top 10 Afrikaans Quotes for Inspiration and Life
- B) Top Afrikaans Wedding and Love Quotes
- C) Top Birthday Quotes in Afrikaans
- D) Top Afrikaans Friendship Quotes
- E) Top Funny Afrikaans Quotes
- Good Ways To Use Afrikaans Quotes
- Make Use of AfrikaansPod101’s Lessons and Tools to Learn Afrikaans!
1. Top 10 Afrikaans Quotes for Inspiration and Life
You can derive a lot from learning the typical quotes and sayings that are native to your target language. The following Afrikaans quotes about life include admonitions, words of wisdom, and inspiration in equal measure.
1. Dit is die klein jakkalsies wat die wingerde verniel.
Translation: “It is the small jackals that harm the vineyard.”
Literally, the quote refers to small jackals stealing grapes from vineyards (which they love to do). The little scoundrels’ diet is omnivorous, meaning that they eat small animals as well as berries and other fruits. Obviously, their scavenging can do a lot of harm to a farmer’s vineyard.
Underneath the literal meaning, this saying refers to the hidden harm caused by small irritations or problems in life if they’re left unattended. It infers that one should pay attention to those little niggles as they arise, instead of only focusing on the bigger problems.

2. Wie heuning wil eet, moet steke verdra.
Translation: “Those who want to eat honey must endure the stings.”
Literally, this quote refers to someone taking honey from a beehive and getting stung. That much is obvious. But the saying also states a universal truth: If you want to attain something good or sweet in life, you’ll need to tolerate some painful things in the process. This saying can be used to reframe a setback or an unpleasant experience at work, in relationships, or concerning important projects.
3. As die hemel val, is ons almal dood.
Translation: “If the sky falls, we’re all dead.”
This quote uses a bit of humor to state the obvious about terrible calamity. It’s used as a slightly sarcastic retort in response to someone who’s always pointing out the negative in any situation.
4. Sukses is nie finaal nie, mislukking is nie fataal nie; dit is die moed om voort te gaan wat tel.
Translation: “Success isn’t final, failure isn’t fatal; it’s the courage to continue that counts.”
The meaning of this inspirational quote is obvious: Don’t give up! Continue with what you started (including your Afrikaans language lessons!), because your persistence will pay off. Just imagine! With a good knowledge of Afrikaans, you can travel to the country and have a much richer experience.
- → If you are interested in traveling soon, we recommend reading our blog post on the Most Common Travel Phrases in Afrikaans.

5. Om bymekaar te kom is ‘n begin; om saam te bly is vordering; om saam te werk is sukses.
Translation: “Coming together is a beginning; staying together is progress; working together is success.”
The meaning of this Afrikaans quote is pretty clear, as it describes the different stages and inherent value of teamwork.
6. Soos ’n handvol vlieë.
Translation: “Like a handful of flies.”
How useful is a handful of flies? Yes, precisely—unless you’re an entomologist, my guess is that a handful of these insects is pretty useless. You can use this saying to comment on something that’s useless to you, like this:
Hierdie mes is omtrent so bruikbaar soos ‘n handvol vlieë om sop mee te eet.
“This knife is about as useful as a handful of flies to eat soup with.”
7. ‘n Goeie gewete is ‘n sagte kussing.
Translation: “A good conscience is a soft pillow.”
This quote refers to the easy sleep of someone with a good conscience. It praises the value of not suppressing your conscience (which would probably keep you awake all night if you tried ignoring it)!

8. Wees die verandering wat jy wil sien in die wêreld.
Translation: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
This quote is often erroneously attributed to Gandhi, the great world leader from India, but there’s no evidence that he actually said this. Rather, it appears to have come from a book written by a teacher named Arleen Lorrance, called The Love Project. The quote refers to people’s tendency to emulate others’ behavior. So, if you feel that the world needs more love and kindness, then be loving and kind! The world will soon follow.
9. Nou gaan die poppe dans.
Translation: Literally, “Now the dolls are going to dance.” / Equivalent, “Now the fat is in the fire.”
When someone says this, it means that trouble is on the way! This trouble can be as innocuous as the disciplinary action mischievous school pupils can expect from their headmaster, or as serious as the fallout of one country declaring war on another.
10. Kyk maar die kat eers goed uit die boom uit.
Translation: Literally, “First check out the cat from the tree.”
This saying has nothing to do with felines, but pertains to decision-making. It’s a cautionary idiom, and is used to warn someone that they would be better off not acting impulsively. For instance, if your friend enthuses about a business opportunity that sounds too good to be true, this is what you would tell them!

2. Top Afrikaans Wedding and Love Quotes
Our list could never be complete without mentioning quotes in Afrikaans about love, relationships, and weddings.
Tip: Afrikaners tend to have romantic souls! So showing what’s going on in your heart will usually be appreciated and reciprocated.
11. Jy is my oogappel. / Jy is die appel van my oog.
Translation: “You are my eye-apple.” / “You are the apple of my eye.”
This one is also well-known in English, and it means that you’re someone’s favorite person. One can use this saying at any stage of the relationship—read on for tips on how to use all of these phrases!

12. My hart pomp tjoklits vir jou.
Translation: “My heart is pumping chocolate for you.”
This is a humorous, casual way of indicating that you’re in love with someone. Instead of blood, your heart is pumping the candy of love: sweet chocolate. What a vivid image! This somewhat non-committal, but still loving, statement is suitable for use anywhere along the timeline of your relationship.
Tip: If you’ve been with the person for a while, then adding the adverbial time word steeds (“still”) after the verb pomp (“pump”) will be suitable. Like: My hart pomp steeds tjoklits vir jou. (“My heart still pumps chocolate for you.”)
13. Ek smaak jou stukkend.
Translation: Literally, “I taste you till you break.”
This rather odd-sounding saying is another way of letting someone know you like them excessively, almost to the point of breaking! Think of a child who is so overwhelmed by their adoration of a toy that they hug it so tightly it gets crushed.
No, we don’t literally break our loved ones in South Africa! This phrase simply expresses almost overwhelming feelings of adoration and admiration. Some say it means the same thing as “I love you,” but that is open to interpretation.

14. Ou liefde roes nie.
Translation: “Old love doesn’t rust.”
This quote means that if love is true, it endures eternally. Unlike most metals (a.k.a. superficial relationships), true love is long-lasting because it doesn’t degrade (i.e. rust) with age.
This is what you can say of that couple who met and fell in love when they were young, but who were kept apart by circumstances. Then, they meet again when they’re older and find that their special connection is intact. In such a case, you would say that Ou liefde roes nie (“Old love doesn’t rust”).
It’s also a nice anniversary affirmation for a couple that’s been together for years and years. Especially, or maybe only, if it’s clear that they still love one another!
15. Ek was nie jou eerste liefde nie, maar ek wil beslis jou laaste wees.
Translation: “I wasn’t your first love, but I definitely want to be your last.”
This quote is pretty straightforward, and it’s especially good for use among couples who are a bit older. But even if you and your partner are younger, you can use this phrase if you know they’ve been in love before. It’s a nice proposal quote, too.

16. Vriendskap in ‘n huwelik is die vonk wat ‘n ewige vlam aansteek.
Translation: “Friendship in marriage is the spark that lights an everlasting flame.”
This quote is attributed to the writer and creator of The Happy Wives Club, Fawn Weaver. It’s self-explanatory and underscores the importance of marrying someone you can be friends with, too.
17. Hou jou hart vol liefde. ‘n Lewe daarsonder is soos ‘n sonlose tuin wanneer die blomme dood is. Die bewussyn van liefde en om liefgehê te word bring warmte en rykdom aan die lewe wat niks anders kan bring nie.
Translation: “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.”
This quote is attributed to author and playwright Oscar Wilde. He died lonely, so it’s poignant that he knew how important love was, but never got to fully experience it himself. This quote is great for wedding or engagement speeches, as well as a meaningful anniversary affirmation.

18. As ek my lewe kon oorhê, sou ek jou vroeër wou vind.
Translation: “If I could repeat my life, I would want to find you sooner.”
This is a bittersweet sentiment from someone who is regretful that they haven’t spent their whole life with the person they love. It implies that with their beloved, life is sweeter and better than ever before. It’s suitable as an intimate love message to the one you’re going to spend the rest of your life with, or even someone you’ve already been with for a long time.
19. Sonder jou liefde is die graaf te swaar vir my en val die geil reëns van die berge sonder doel.
Translation: Literally, “Without your love, the shovel is too heavy for me and the wanton rain in the mountains falls without purpose.”
This beautiful line is from a poem called Dank (“Thank”), written by one of South Africa’s finest poets from a different era, D.J. Opperman. It expresses how the poet valued his wife’s love—his life would have been meaningless without it. How quietly passionate and intimate!
20. Liefde is ‘n beter onderwyser as ‘n sin vir verantwoordelikheid.
Translation: “Love is a better teacher than a sense of duty.”
This is a quote from Einstein, taken from a letter he wrote. Biography writer Walter Isaacson used these letters to tell the story of the genius’ life in a book called Einstein: His Life and Universe.
With this quote, Einstein was probably referring to something other than romantic love, but the principle still applies. Love will always be the most inspiring quality of any relationship, and it ensures we don’t miss the lessons we need to learn in life. And remaining in a relationship only because of a sense of duty will surely teach you how barren a loveless existence is.
Sometimes love comes to an end and you need to break up with someone. Here are some Breakup Quotes to consider—but we hope you won’t need to use or receive them often!
3. Top Birthday Quotes in Afrikaans
Birthdays are special. Make sure to enchant your Afrikaans friends with one of the best Afrikaans quotes for the occasion on their special day.
21. Mag jou lewe elke jaar beter wees.
Translation: “May your life get better every year.”
This is a simple birthday wish that is universally useful. It expresses a positive and benevolent wish for someone to enjoy an exceedingly good life.

22. Ek hoop hierdie verjaarsdag is net so wonderlik soos jy!
Translation: “I hope this birthday is just as wonderful as you are!”
The meaning is pretty straightforward. This is a positive and uplifting birthday message for a friend, a family member, or any special person!
23. Navorsing wys dat mense met die meeste verjaarsdae leef die langste.
Translation: “Research shows that people with the most birthdays live the longest.”
Yeah well, duh…! This is a funny birthday quote in Afrikaans that could, for instance, be used in a speech before a birthday party.
24. Tel jou seëninge en nie jou plooie nie!
Translation: “Count your blessings and not your wrinkles!”
Another fun birthday quote you can use to tease the birthday person! However, it’s best not to use this with a woman if you don’t know her well yet.

25. Oudword is onvermydelik; grootword is nie!
Translation: “Growing old is inevitable; growing up is not!”
Another lighthearted quote that invites you to enjoy life with the innocence of a child, no matter what age you are.
26. ’n Warm hart steek ander aan die brand. Dankie vir jou wonderlike hart!
Translation: “A warm heart ignites others. Thank you for your wonderful heart!”
This is a flattering character testimonial that’s well-suited for a speech at a birthday party or as a message in a card. Use this only if the person is indeed inspiring and warm-hearted, of course.
4. Top Afrikaans Friendship Quotes
What would our world be without friends and friendship? Celebrate your Afrikaner friends with these Afrikaans quotes on friendship, or simply marvel in their wisdom.

27. Allemansvriend is niemandsvriend.
Translation: “Everyman’s friend is no man’s friend.”
This is an admonition to strive for more than likeability in your relationships. Not every person will like you or want to be your friend—that’s just life! Authenticity and being who you really are, no matter who you deal with, is of the greatest importance if you want good outcomes in life.
28. As die berg nie na Mohammed wil kom nie, moet Mohammed na die berg toe gaan.
Translation: “If the mountain doesn’t want to come to Mohammed, Mohammed should go to the mountain.”
This quote, which is also well-known in English, refers to humility and the necessity of sometimes giving in in relationships. Every friendship involves both giving and taking. In essence, this saying reminds us to not always take or be stubborn.

29. Hulle breek nie brandhout van dieselfde tak nie.
Translation: “They don’t make firewood of the same branch.”
This Afrikaans quote refers to people who cannot stand each other, so it could be used to describe a friendship or relationship gone wrong.
30. Boontjie kry sy loontjie.
Translation: Literally, “Every bean gets his rightful dues.”
This somewhat gleeful quote simply means that what comes to you is probably what you deserve. It’s not always used in a positive sense, though, especially not in friendships. If someone has done you harm, for instance, and then harm comes to them in some way or another, you might use this saying to comment on the situation.
31. ‘n Ware vriend stap in wanneer ander uitstap.
Translation: “A true friend walks in when others walk out.”
Another well-known saying in English. Sometimes, friends walk away from you when things get hard. But the true friends remain by your side, which is what the quote refers to. The saying is popularly attributed to columnist Walter Winchell, yet a version of it was recorded as early as 1916 in an Atlanta magazine called The Presbyterian of the South.

32. ‘n Enkele roos kan my tuin wees; ‘n enkele vriend, my wêreld.
Translation: “A single rose can be my garden; a single friend my world.”
This quote expresses the value of true friendship. It’s accredited to American author and motivational speaker Felice Leonardo “Leo” Buscaglia, also known as “Dr. Love.” It means that one doesn’t need a lot of friends to be happy in life. A single good friend can mean the world and make all the difference.
33. Vriendskap is die enigste sement wat die wêreld by mekaar sal hou.
Translation: “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”
Attributed to U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, this quote expresses the superior value of true friendship. It suggests that the world would fall apart if it weren’t for friendships.

34. Vriende is daardie rare mense wat vra hoe dit met jou gaan en dan wag om jou antwoord te hoor.
Translation: “Friends are those rare people who ask how (we) are and then wait to hear the answer.”
This slightly adapted quote was said to be first uttered by Ed Cunningham, U.S. TV sports announcer and personality. It suggests that people who care really listen to one another.
- → Also check out our list of the Top 10 Afrikaans Quotes About Friendship for more inspiration.
5. Top Funny Afrikaans Quotes
Sometimes you need a funny one-liner to open a meeting or lighten the mood in a conversation! We’ve translated a few great quotes in the Afrikaans language that you can use to this effect.
35. Dis beter om stil te bly en dwaas voor te kom as om te praat en so alle twyfel te verwyder.
Translation: “It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
This quote means that it’s better to keep quiet and only appear stupid than to say something that is actually stupid! It’s popularly attributed to U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, but it more likely belongs to Maurice Switzer, who mentioned it in his book Mrs. Goose, Her Book (1906). Yet, a similar bit of wisdom was expressed much earlier in the Christian Bible, in Proverbs 17:28: “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.”

36. As ek ‘n tweegesig was, sou ek hierdie een gedra het?
Translation: “If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?”
A variation of this funny quote was apparently uttered by President Abraham Lincoln in a debate with Stephen Douglas, who accused him of being two-faced. Lincoln’s original retort was: “If I had two faces, would I be wearing this one?”
To be “two-faced” means that you’re being inconsistent in what you say and how you deal with people. This quote often refers to someone who adapts the truth to suit the company they’re in, a trait which makes you unreliable, or even dishonest.
The particular saying is self-deprecating (joking about your own looks!) and a marvelous retort to an unfair accusation of duplicity.
37. Wat het oor jou lewer geloop?
Translation: “What walked over your liver?”
This is an original Afrikaans saying and a funny way of asking someone why they’re angry. Just as the heart is traditionally considered the “seat” of love, the liver is the “seat” of anger. If asked in a non-confrontational manner, it could ease the atmosphere and allow the angry person to blow off steam.
38. As een deur toegaan en ‘n ander maak oop spook dit waarskynlik in jou huis.
Translation: “If one door closes and another opens, your house is probably haunted.”
This line makes fun of the cliché that when one opportunity is lost, another one appears. While true, clichés can sound insincere when you’re placating or consoling someone.
If a friend feels really stuck, trying to soothe them with words that don’t correspond to their current life experiences could alienate them, even if you mean well! Rather, spoil them with something you know they like (such as chocolate or a glass of wine), and just hang around as a friend. Using this funny saying could also help lighten the mood!

39. Wees lief vir jou vyande. Dit maak hulle so kwaad.
Translation: “Love your enemies. It makes them so (damned) mad.”
This quote is attributed to a P.D. East from the book Of Wit N Humor by Vincent Thnay.
It’s a reference to the verses in all holy scriptures that teach us to forgive and love our enemies, so as to relieve ourselves of the burden of pain and/or guilt. The quote is obviously a humorous take on this truth!
40. Natuurlik praat ek met myself. Soms het ek kundige advies nodig.
Translation: “Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice.”
This is a well-known quip that’s been doing the rounds. It’s unclear where the saying originated from, but it’s a good retort if someone complains about you mumbling to yourself.
41. Die pen is magtiger as die swaard en heelwat makliker om mee te skryf.
Translation: “The pen is mightier than the sword and considerably easier to write with.”
Comedian Marty Feldman was the first to utter this silliness, which could underscore the need to negotiate first and fight later! However, the saying originally referred to the immense power of the word, which should not be underestimated.

42. Te veel van ‘n goeie ding is fantasties!
Translation: “Too much of a good thing is fantastic!”
The literal wisdom of this quote is debatable, but that probably depends on the context! It’s a celebratory remark that could be a reminder to enjoy life.
43. Hy is so skelm, hy bid onder ‘ n skuilnaam.
Translation: “He’s such a crook, he prays under a pseudonym.”
This funny quote is pretty self-explanatory! However, don’t use it to describe someone whose favor you want to win or keep, unless they know you’re joking.
44. Ondervinding is iets wat jy eers kry nadat jy dit nodig het.
Translation: “Experience is something you only get after you need it.”
A truthful observation about life and how experience is gained!
6. Good Ways To Use Afrikaans Quotes
This is not difficult to do! Show off your newly learned Afrikaans in the following ways:
1. Puzzle and/or impress your friends with these quotes on Facebook or Twitter.
2. Create a graphic with a stunning photo and an inspirational quote for your desktop background. But post it on Insta first!
3. Use a suitable quote in a birthday or wedding card for your Afrikaans friend and make their day! Your gesture will show that you care enough to wish them well in their own language, which will be appreciated.
4. Combine creativity and Afrikaans—paint or draw a poster for your room or classroom with a suitable quote in Afrikaans.
5. Make your own learning tool! Create a video or other visual media (with one of the many apps available online), using all of these quotes plus your favorite images or footage! Playing this over and over again will help you learn and remember full Afrikaans sentences. There are countless possibilities.
6. Memorize the quotes and their meanings, and pepper your Afrikaans conversations with them! Using idioms will make you sound more like a native Afrikaans speaker.
7. Make Use of AfrikaansPod101‘s Lessons and Tools to Learn Afrikaans!
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Happy learning!