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Archive for the 'Advanced Afrikaans' Category

Guide to the Most Useful Advanced Afrikaans Phrases

Did you know that the formation of Afrikaans was influenced by languages as diverse as Arabic, Indonesian, Malay, and Portuguese? However, it derives its idiomatic character mainly from Dutch—this is well illustrated in the list of expressions from the last section of this article, where we delve into advanced Afrikaans phrases and idiomatic expressions. If you're already busy studying advanced Afrikaans, it probably means die gogga het jou gebyt (literally: "the bug has bitten you"). This lovely idiom compares a person's sudden, intense interest in something to being infected by a microbe. Well, many students of Afrikaans "get bitten" this way, and hopefully, this "infection" will spread even more as you study our guide to the most useful... Show more

Easily Master the Most Common Advanced Afrikaans Words

Wow, congratulations—you're at an advanced level in your Afrikaans studies! Good for you.  Hopefully, you won’t stop now, because there's a lot more to master. To help you, we have compiled some advanced Afrikaans words and phrases in the most pertinent categories for easy access and assimilation. If you want to improve your advanced Afrikaans vocabulary, wordlists like these are among the best tools to use. Also, feel free to ask us in the comments if anything needs clarification. Remember to keep your learning fun by using fun resources. For instance, take a look at this article about a great online resource that's completely free! Onthou om jou studies te geniet. / "Remember to enjoy your studies." Great! Let's get busy... Show more

Your Best Guide for Easily Passing the OPI Afrikaans Exam

No more biting your nails over your pending Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Afrikaans proficiency test! Anxiety only serves a good purpose if it motivates you to prepare well, because, as the saying goes, "Good preparation makes its own luck."Also, uncontrolled anxiety is bad for you and can definitely spoil your chances of performing well. We truly understand this at AfrikaansPod101.com, so we aim to help you reach your language goals so you can ace any Afrikaans exam with ease and confidence! In this article, we'll start with a look at why taking the OPI standardized language competency test can be helpful to you.  Then we'll move on to: A) more details about the OPI, which is one of the oldest and best-known international... Show more

Life Event Messages: “Happy Birthday” in Afrikaans & More!

Want to have easy access to your Afrikaans friend's hearth and heart? Learn which holidays they observe and the life events they celebrate, and you're nearly there! Then, it will be good to know what messages they use on these occasions, including how to say "Happy Birthday" in Afrikaans, for instance. Another important one to know is "Happy New Year!" in Afrikaans. We teach you these and many more at AfrikaansPod101, ideal for learning without stress or struggle! Celebrating these life events is an excellent way to practice your Afrikaans and learn how to pronounce these phrases like native speakers do. Improve your vocabulary and overall speaking skills with these handy phrases. Using these, and engaging with your Afrikaans friend when... Show more