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Archive for the 'Afrikaans Alphabet' Category

How Long Will it Take to Learn Afrikaans? A Practical Guide!

Hoe lank neem dit om Afrikaans te leer? (How long does it take to learn Afrikaans?)  Well, it's not possible to tell this with 100% accuracy, because the speed of one’s learning progress depends on a few variables. Any answer to this question should probably start with the sober truth, though, which is that learning any new language (at least to a level of reasonable proficiency) normally takes many hours of study and practice. That's simply the nature of language studies. Of course, one can speed up the process with good learning tools and study habits. But mastering it overnight or in only a couple of weeks from scratch? That only happens in the movies. But don't be discouraged! It is possible to be a winner at learning... Show more

How Hard is it to Learn Afrikaans?

This is not an easy question to answer! How hard it is to learn Afrikaans depends on a few things, really. Afrikaans is the world’s youngest official language. Known as "Cape Dutch" or "Colonial Dutch" back in the day, Afrikaans was only considered a "real language" in the previous century. Over the years, it has been influenced by many other languages, including Arabic, French, and Russian. So it can appear pretty daunting to learn! However, AfrikaansPod101 is an easy way to learn Afrikaans because we simplify the learning steps for you. We introduce many simple but effective ways to learn Afrikaans while having fun at the same time! And our blog posts are informative and culturally relevant, such as this one on Afrikaans Etiquette... Show more

The Most Common Afrikaans Language Learning Mistakes

We tend to experience mistakes as either Tyrants or Teachers. Sometimes, we make regrettable mistakes that we berate ourselves over; other mistakes slide off us like rainwater. In Afrikaans, we have a popular idiom: Probeer maak die beste geweer. (Lit. "Trying makes the best gun.") This roughly means that you won't know if you can hit a target unless you shoot! The secret is simply to not give up, no matter how often you repeat a mistake in Afrikaans! We understand this very well at AfrikaansPod101.com. Dig into this guide to avoid making any of these common Afrikaans language mistakes! Table of Contents Vocabulary and Grammatical Mistakes Pronunciation Mistakes Spelling Mistakes - Compounds and Emphasis Other... Show more

Afrikaans Keyboard: How to Install and Type in Afrikaans

You asked, so we provided—easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up your electronic devices to write in Afrikaans! We’ll also give you a few excellent tips on how to use this keyboard, as well as some online and app alternatives if you prefer not to set up a Afrikaans keyboard. Table of Contents Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in Afrikaans Setting up Your Computer and Mobile Devices for Afrikaans How to Activate an Onscreen Keyboard on Your Computer How to Change the Language Settings to Afrikaans on Your Computer Activating the Afrikaans Keyboard on Your Mobile Phone and Tablet How to Practice Typing Afrikaans 1. Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in Afrikaans Learning a new language is made so much easier when... Show more

Names and Terms for Families in Afrikaans

Family is important in every culture, no matter what size or form it takes. Interaction with this group of people gives us our first relationship lessons in life. If these are disrupted, it can have an impact not only on all of our other relationships and the way we bond with others, but also how we see and experience ourselves. At AfrikaansPod101, we’re aware of how important it is to know how to talk about families in Afrikaans. That’s why we’ve crafted this insightful article about Afrikaans words for family and family in Afrikaans culture, just for you! What is the role of family in your culture? And how important is family to you personally? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section! Table of Contents Family in... Show more