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Archive for the 'Afrikaans Words' Category

Afrikaans Filler Words to Make You Sound Like a Native

Very few people can talk without using filler words or phrases, which would sound a little unnatural, like a speech that's been rehearsed from a script. Lexically, pause fillers are words, phrases, or sounds without meaning, despite being so commonplace in the vernacular of probably every language. Let’s have a brief look at their function in speech before proceeding to discuss some of the most common Afrikaans filler words. Filler words are commonplace in the vernacular of probably every language. Table of Contents The Purpose of Filler Words in Afrikaans 11 Types of Useful Afrikaans Filler Words and How to Use Them Correctly Learn Afrikaans Filler Words with Ease on! 1. The Purpose of Filler... Show more

The 30 Best Afrikaans Love Phrases for All Occasions!

L'amour, die Liebe, die liefde, любовь (lyubov')...all of these mean "love."  Love is a universal language spoken mostly with the heart, but what a wonderful thing to express in any language! Therefore, it makes sense that when people study to acquire a new language, one of the first things they learn (not long after hello and goodbye) is "I love you." For some, being able to communicate with someone they love is their reason for learning the language in the first place!  If you’re wondering how to say "I love you," in Afrikaans, then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve compiled for you a collection of Afrikaans love phrases you can use to express your feelings in no uncertain terms. Better still? It’s all framed in the context... Show more

All About How to Form the Negative in Afrikaans

Negation is, very simply put, the so-called "negative form" in a language. We use it when we want to express the opposite of a positive or affirmative statement. What is the negative form in Afrikaans? Let's dig in! One of the most fascinating features of the Afrikaans language is its use of the double negative, which means that two negatives resolve into one negative. For instance, in English one would say, "He cannot speak Afrikaans," and only use the word ‘not’ once. However, to express the negative in Afrikaans, we usually have to use the negating word twice:    Sy kan nie Afrikaans praat nie. Literally: "She cannot Afrikaans speak not." The negating word in the example above is nie and, as you will have gathered, nie... Show more

Tenses in Afrikaans – Your Easy Guide

Tenses in Afrikaans are not as hard to master as those of many older languages. In fact, there's no need to feel tense about tenses! Dis nie nodig om gespanne te voel oor Afrikaanse tye nie! / "There's no need to feel tense about Afrikaans tenses!" How Do We Indicate Afrikaans Tenses? In Afrikaans, the verbs usually inflect for time, just as in English. This is called "conjugation" (werkwoord verbuiging) and it’s characterized by a change to the form of the verb—in this case, to indicate the tense. (Think "walk" vs. "walked." Here, the verb has a suffix to indicate that the action took place in the past.) → Sound complex? It isn't, really, once you get the hang of it. Read more about Afrikaans conjugations in our blogpost... Show more

How Long Will it Take to Learn Afrikaans? A Practical Guide!

Hoe lank neem dit om Afrikaans te leer? (How long does it take to learn Afrikaans?)  Well, it's not possible to tell this with 100% accuracy, because the speed of one’s learning progress depends on a few variables. Any answer to this question should probably start with the sober truth, though, which is that learning any new language (at least to a level of reasonable proficiency) normally takes many hours of study and practice. That's simply the nature of language studies. Of course, one can speed up the process with good learning tools and study habits. But mastering it overnight or in only a couple of weeks from scratch? That only happens in the movies. But don't be discouraged! It is possible to be a winner at learning... Show more

The 31 Best Afrikaans Proverbs and Their Meanings

The word "proverb" (spreekwoord in Afrikaans) is derived from the Latin proverbium. Collins Dictionary defines it as a short sentence that people often quote to give advice, or one that says something about life. Proverbs also tend to employ the same vivid imagery and metaphoric language common in children's stories. So, perhaps they’re an adult throwback to children’s fiction—who knows? Proverbs touch us on a very deep level, as they go beyond nationality, gender, race, religion, and time. In this way, they connect us to one another with their universal truths and wisdom. The Afrikaans proverbs I'm going to cover in this article are sure to ignite your imagination and make you feel more connected to Afrikaner culture. Ma en... Show more

The Top English Words Used in Afrikaans – and More!

Imagine getting this message from your South African friend: "Hey! Come jol with us on Saturday afternoon; we are going to gooi something lekker on the braai. The party will be under the lapa." Do you have any idea what this message means? Let us know in the comments! At, we love hearing your thoughts and opinions, so feel free to weigh in.  But if you’re not really sure what your friend just invited you to, no worries. That's ‘Afrikaan-lish,’ or rather, a blend of Afrikaans, English, and even one word appropriated from one of South Africa’s other languages! The example used above illustrates how languages cross-pollinate and influence one another. This is important, because nowhere in South Africa is... Show more

A South African Culture Guide for Students of Afrikaans!

In dictionaries, "culture" is defined as the ideas, customs, and social behaviors of a particular society or group of people. These different cultures were all shaped, over many centuries, by people's shared experiences as natives of a specific country.  What is South African culture like? This is not an easy question to answer! Not surprising, really—looking at our demographics, we see that the official South African population comprises approximately 60 million people with very diverse origins, languages, cultures, and religions. For instance, we have 11 official languages! What is your country's culture like? Share with us in the comments. At, we celebrate diversity because we understand that global... Show more

The Best South African Foods (With Recipes To Try!)

Food, food, food—who doesn't love it? Eating not only sustains us, but it's also one of the most pleasant and gratifying sensory experiences we can engage in. No wonder enjoying meals together is a favorite occasion around the world.  South Africans are no different, of course. Our cuisine is diverse and we love getting together to eat, drink, and enjoy each other's company. So, join us now for a wonderfully tasty investigation into South African foods! Table of Contents Why Should You Know About South African Foods? South African Foods Typical But Lesser-Known Afrikaans Foods Afrikaans Food Vocabulary & Phrases Get Cooking in Afrikaans with AfrikaansPod101! 1. Why Should You Know About South African Foods? ... Show more

The Best Afrikaans Quotes About Life, Love, and More!

Do you know what one of the best things about the Afrikaans language is? Its array of colorful sayings and quotes!  In this article, we’ll introduce you to the best Afrikaans quotes on every aspect of life. You’ll recognize some of these Afrikaans quotes, as they have equivalents in English; others will be unfamiliar to you because they’re unique to Afrikaans. Let us know in the comments which of them have equivalents in your language! At AfrikaansPod101, we aim to enhance your language learning experience at all times. Sayings and quotes are so particular to a language—knowing and using them will introduce you to Afrikaans and the Afrikaner culture in a unique, almost intimate way! Are you ready to up your Afrikaans game? Let’s... Show more