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Archive for the 'Team AfrikaansPod101' Category

All About Directions in Afrikaans – Your Best Guide!

Getting lost is never fun, even less so in a foreign country. Knowing how to give or ask for directions in Afrikaans is therefore a very helpful skill to have when visiting South Africa! Fortunately, most South Africans speak English, Afrikaans, and/or Zulu, three of the country's eleven national languages. They’re normally a helpful, friendly people. So, if you know all about asking for directions in Afrikaans, you won’t easily get lost! Learn the basics about how to give directions in Afrikaans (and ask for them), and more, at AfrikaansPod101. It's our goal to keep your learning fun and easy! Let's start with the basic vocabulary you need to master. Whether you're asking or giving directions in Afrikaans, knowing certain words and... Show more

Learn the 100 Most Common Nouns in Afrikaans

A noun in Afrikaans is called a selfstandige naamwoord, which literally translates as "independent name word." That makes sense, considering that nouns are the names of people, places, animals, things, and ideas or concepts. Yet, when looking at any sentence, what is a noun in Afrikaans? The answer to that isn’t overly simple, like in any other language, but that's the nature of grammar for you. That said, it's not impossibly difficult, so why not learn the difference between a common noun in Afrikaans and a collective noun in Afrikaans at AfrikaansPod101? We make it easy for you! Take a look at this list of the Fifty Most Common Nouns in Afrikaans, for instance. It's possible to speak like a native Afrikaner with our help! For... Show more

Life Event Messages: “Happy Birthday” in Afrikaans & More!

Want to have easy access to your Afrikaans friend's hearth and heart? Learn which holidays they observe and the life events they celebrate, and you're nearly there! Then, it will be good to know what messages they use on these occasions, including how to say "Happy Birthday" in Afrikaans, for instance. Another important one to know is "Happy New Year!" in Afrikaans. We teach you these and many more at AfrikaansPod101, ideal for learning without stress or struggle! Celebrating these life events is an excellent way to practice your Afrikaans and learn how to pronounce these phrases like native speakers do. Improve your vocabulary and overall speaking skills with these handy phrases. Using these, and engaging with your Afrikaans friend when... Show more

Secret Revealed: The Best Way to Learn a Language on Your Own

Can You Really Learn Afrikaans Alone? Learning a language on your own or without traditional classroom instruction may seem quite daunting at first. What if you run into questions? How do you stay motivated and on track to achieving goals? Don’t worry, not only is it possible to learn Afrikaans or any language without traditional classroom instruction: AfrikaansPod101 has created the world’s most advanced and extensive online language learning system. Not only is AfrikaansPod101 specifically designed to help you with learning a language on your own, it’s actually faster, more convenient, and less expensive than traditional classroom options! Let’s look at some of the benefits of learning Afrikaans or any language alone. Also, don't... Show more