
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Michael: Welcome to 3-Minute Afrikaans Season 1, Lesson 21 - Talking about Your Dislikes In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say that you don't like something in Afrikaans.
Michael: Here's the common way to say 'I don't like this' in Afrikaans.
Dewan: [Normal] Ek hou nie van dit nie.
Michael: First is a word meaning 'I'
Dewan: [Normal] ek [Slow] ek
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'do not like'
Dewan: [Normal] hou nie [Slow] hou nie
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'of'
Dewan: [Normal] van [Slow] van
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'it'
Dewan: [Normal] dit [Slow] dit
Michael: Last is the word meaning 'not'
Dewan: [Normal] nie [Slow] nie
Michael: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'I don't like this.'
Dewan: [Slow] Ek hou nie van dit nie. [Normal] Ek hou nie van dit nie.
Michael: Ok, now let's see the common way to say 'I don't like waiting.'
Dewan: [Normal] Ek hou nie van wag nie.
Michael: First is a word meaning 'I'
Dewan: [Normal] ek [Slow] ek
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'do not like'
Dewan: [Normal] hou nie [Slow] hou nie
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'of'
Dewan: [Normal] van [Slow] van
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'wait'
Dewan: [Normal] wag [Slow] wag
Michael: Last is the word meaning 'not'
Dewan: [Normal] nie [Slow] nie
Michael: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'I don't like waiting.'
Dewan: [Slow] Ek hou nie van wag nie. [Normal] Ek hou nie van wag nie.
Michael: Then, we have the common way to say 'I hate this.'
Dewan: [Normal] Ek haat dit.
Michael: First is a word meaning 'I'
Dewan: [Normal] ek [Slow] ek
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'hate'
Dewan: [Normal] haat [Slow] haat
Michael: Last is the word meaning 'it'
Dewan: [Normal] dit [Slow] dit
Michael: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'I hate this.'
Dewan: [Slow] Ek haat dit. [Normal] Ek haat dit.
Michael: Finally is another common way to say 'I hate waiting.'
Dewan: [Normal] Ek haat dit om te wag.
Michael: First is a word meaning 'I'
Dewan: [Normal] Ek [Slow] Ek
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'hate'
Dewan: [Normal] haat [Slow] haat
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'it'
Dewan: [Normal] dit [Slow] dit
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'to'
Dewan: [Normal] om te [Slow] om te
Michael: Last is the word meaning 'wait'
Dewan: [Normal] wag [Slow] wag
Michael: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'I hate waiting.'
Dewan: [Slow] Ek haat dit om te wag. [Normal] Ek haat dit om te wag.
Cultural Insight
Michael: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Dewan: You can add any word before the last nie to tell someone you don't like something.You can add the English if you are not sure, South Africans will be able to figure it out with the words you don't know.


Michael: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Dewan: Totsiens!

