
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Michael: Welcome to 3-Minute Afrikaans Season 1, Lesson 25 - On the Phone In this lesson, you’ll learn how to understand basic vocabulary on the phone in Afrikaans.
Michael: Here's the common way to say 'Hello! (answering the phone)' in Afrikaans.
Dewan: [Normal] Hallo!
Michael: This expression has only one word meaning 'hello'
Dewan: [Normal] hallo [Slow] hallo
Michael: Listen again to the word meaning 'Hello! (answering the phone)'
Dewan: [Slow] Hallo! [Normal] Hallo!
Michael: Ok, now let's see the formal way to say 'This is Jolanda.'
Dewan: [Normal] Dit is Jolanda.
Michael: First is a word meaning 'this'
Dewan: [Normal] dit [Slow] dit
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'is'
Dewan: [Normal] is [Slow] is
Michael: Last is the name 'Jolanda'
Dewan: [Normal] Jolanda [Slow] Jolanda
Michael: Listen again to the formal phrase meaning 'This is Jolanda.'
Dewan: [Slow] Dit is Jolanda. [Normal] Dit is Jolanda.
Michael: Then, we have the formal way to ask 'Can I talk to Sandra?'
Dewan: [Normal] Kan ek met Sandra praat?
Michael: First is a word meaning 'can'
Dewan: [Normal] kan [Slow] kan
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'I'
Dewan: [Normal] ek [Slow] ek
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'with'
Dewan: [Normal] met [Slow] met
Michael: Next is the name 'Sandra'
Dewan: [Normal] Sandra [Slow] Sandra
Michael: Last is the word meaning 'talk'
Dewan: [Normal] praat [Slow] praat
Michael: Listen again to the formal question meaning 'Can I talk to Sandra?'
Dewan: [Slow] Kan ek met Sandra praat? [Normal] Kan ek met Sandra praat?
Michael: Finally is an informal way to say 'I'll call you later.'
Dewan: [Normal] Ek sal jou later bel.
Michael: First is a word meaning 'I'
Dewan: [Normal] ek [Slow] ek
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'will, shall'
Dewan: [Normal] sal [Slow] sal
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'you'
Dewan: [Normal] jou [Slow] jou
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'later'
Dewan: [Normal] later [Slow] later
Michael: Listen again to the informal phrase meaning 'I'll call you later.'
Dewan: [Slow] Ek sal jou later bel. [Normal] Ek sal jou later bel.
Cultural Insight
Michael: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Dewan: This is a good guide to help you practice saying hello on the phone. Practice saying this with a friend many times to sound natural.


Michael: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next series!
Dewan: Totsiens!

