Hey everyone, welcome to The Monthly Review, the monthly show on language learning, where |
you discover new learning strategies, motivational tips, study tools, and resources. |
By the way, all the lessons and bonuses you're about to see can be downloaded for free on our website. |
So click the link in the description right now to sign up for your free lifetime account. |
Okay, today's topic is three tactics for maximizing time and making more language progress. |
If you want to learn a language, there's only one thing that will guarantee your progress and success. |
It's not a new app, not a learning trick, and not some YouTube guru who just wants to sell you their course. |
The only thing that will guarantee your success is time. |
Language learning is a function of time. |
The more time you put in, the better you'll get. |
If you have the best resources but don't put in the time, you won't get anywhere. |
And someone with so-so resources who puts in the time will get better at the language and outpace you. |
Except time's also something not a lot of us have, right? |
Which is what makes learning a language so tricky. |
And that's why today, you'll discover the easiest and most obvious way to maximize your time, why you need to adjust your routines to the time and place, and the most important tip for getting the most out of your time. |
But first, if you're looking for new free language resources and downloads, here are this month's new lessons and resources. |
Be sure to download these now before we take them down in a few days. |
First, the Language PDF Welcome Pack. |
New to the language and not sure where to start? |
Start with the basics. |
With our welcome pack, you get a bundle of PDFs giving you a quick overview of the alphabet, grammar, key vocabulary, and all the basics you must know. |
And second, the Weather Conversation PDF Cheat Sheet. |
You get a simple dialogue plus tons of weather vocab so you can fluently talk about the weather in your target language. |
Download the PDF Cheat Sheet for free right now. |
To get your free resources, click the link in the description below right now. |
They're yours to keep forever. |
Now to today's topic. |
Three tactics for maximizing time and making more language progress. |
Part one, the easiest and most obvious way to maximize your time. |
So if time's the one thing that'll guarantee your language success, but also the one thing we're all short on, how is it possible to maximize your language learning time? |
Well, the good news is you're probably already doing one thing right. |
And that is learning with your phone, whether it's with our app, innovative language learning, or listening to podcasts or something else. |
This is the easiest and most obvious way to maximize your time. |
Because if you're on the way to work, school, or the store, you can transform those 10, 20, or 40 minutes into language time with your smartphone. |
And if you do this daily, well, that's easily a few hours of language practice a week that you otherwise wouldn't do. |
So do you try to learn on your commute or while going to the store? |
Or do you just scroll through TikTok and Instagram? |
Leave a comment. |
Part two, why you need to adjust your routine to the time and place. |
Now this next part is similar to the first one. |
If you want to maximize your learning time, you need to adjust your routines to the time because if you're in various places throughout the day, if you're commuting, then sitting at work, then taking a lunch break, then driving a car, you can still use these occasions to learn a language, but you can't use the same learning tools in all situations. |
So you need to adjust your learning routine to where you are. |
If you're walking somewhere, then the best way to learn a language is to listen to audio lessons because you obviously can't watch videos or read a textbook while you walk. If you're driving, you'd want audio lessons to autoplay so you don't have to reach for your phone. If you're sitting on the train, you can do flashcards, glance through a phrase book or watch our video lessons. If you're at home, you can learn the language on your computer with a textbook or with our |
free PDF writing workbooks. |
By adjusting your routine to the time and place, you can get more language time in and make more progress in the long run. |
By the way, is this something that you do already? |
Leave a comment and let us know. |
The most important tip for getting the most out of your time. |
And finally, the most important way to get the most out of your limited time is to set small measurable goals. |
Because on the opposite end, if you're not setting goals or if you're setting vague goals, how can you get the most out of your time if you don't know exactly what you're aiming for? |
You could forever be watching YouTube videos or maintaining your streak on an app, but never really get anywhere with the language because you haven't been specific enough. |
So setting specific goals allows you to get the most out of your limited time because you know exactly what you want and you'll focus just on reaching that goal instead of playing with this app and then that app. |
Now what do we mean when we say small measurable goals? |
For example, learn how to introduce yourself in the target language in today's 10-minute study session. |
Learn the alphabet this week. |
The deadline is Sunday. |
Learn 200 words in one month. |
The deadline is the last day of the month. |
All of these goals are small and measurable. |
Either you know 200 words or you don't. |
Either you learned how to introduce yourself today or you didn't. |
So if you want to maximize your time, be sure you know exactly what you want to achieve and set small measurable goals. |
Thank you for watching this episode of Monthly Review. |
Next time we'll talk about how to achieve your language goals when your motivation is low. |
If you enjoyed these tips, hit the like button, share the video with anyone who's trying |
to learn a language, and subscribe to our channel. |
We release new videos every week. |
And if you're ready to finally learn language the fast, fun, and easy way and start speaking from your very first lesson, get our complete learning program. |
Sign up for your free lifetime account right now. |
Click the link in the description. |
See you next time. |
Bye! |
HideHey everyone, welcome to the Monthly Review!The monthly show on language learning. Where you discover new learning strategies, motivational tips, study tools, and resources. This is what you get this month:
- "Talking About Weather" Cheat Sheet
- Welcome Pack
Go to Afrikaans March 2024 Review to access your free resources of the month.
To submit a recording, click here