
Vocabulary (Review)

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In this lesson we’ll learn the phrases that will help you take matters into your own hands! We will look at the word "please," which will be very important when you need to ask for something.

Lesson focus

In Afrikaans, “Please” is asseblief. Let's break it down by syllable.
(slow) asseblief
Now let's hear it one more time.
The easiest way to use "please" is to point at something while saying Asseblief, but let's try to expand on this a bit, shall we? Let's start with the expression "This, please," which in Afrikaans is Hierdie Asseblief. It literally means “This, please.” In English, "this" comes before "please." In Afrikaans, the order is the same. So we have Hierdie asseblief.
First, we have “this,” or in Afrikaans, Hierdie.
(slow) Hierdie
Using this word, “This, please” in Afrikaans is..
(slow) Hierdie asseblief
Hierdie asseblief
The pronoun “this” or Hierdie can be replaced by dit, which also means “this.” Let’s hear this again.
(slow) dit
Now, look at the word for “that” in Afrikaans. It’s daardie.
(slow) daardie
Using this word, “That please” in Afrikaans is..
(slow) daardie asseblief
daardie asseblief
The pronoun “that” or daardie can be replaced by dit, which also means “that” or “this”. Let’s hear this again.
(slow) dit
If you’ve forgotten or don't know the name of the object you're asking for, it's okay to point at it and say “this, please,” Hierdie asseblief, or “that, please,” Daardie asseblief.
If you know the name of the object, you can say the name of the object, then say asseblief meaning “please.”
For example, if you need a piece of bread, you can say “One bread, please,” or in Afrikaans Een brood asseblief.
(slow) Een brood asseblief.
Een brood asseblief.
First we have een meaning “one.”
(slow) een
Then, we have “bread” which is brood in Afrikaans.
(slow) brood

