love in South Africa

Fact or Myth: Will Falling in Love Really Help You Learn Afrikaans Faster?

For most people, falling in love with an Afrikaans girlfriend or boyfriend will dramatically improve their mastery of the language. But the question becomes: How can you possibly attract or even meet an Afrikaans boyfriend or girlfriend without first learning the language?

Don’t worry, with a little help from AfrikaansPod101, you can learn how to say I love you in Afrikaans and the top romantic phrases that will help you attract your soul mate. But first, let’s learn how falling in love with an Afrikaans partner can quickly boost your language skills.

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3 Reasons Why Having an Afrikaans Girlfriend or Boyfriend is the Fastest Path to Master Afrikaans

Falling in Love with an Afrikaans Partner Immerses You in the Culture

Beyond learning romantic Afrikaans phrases, dating a native speaker literally immerses you in the culture in ways that no lessons or textbooks could ever accomplish. From the latest slang expressions to the best places to eat and hang out, having an Afrikaans girlfriend or boyfriend immerses you within the culture, which will dramatically enhance your understanding and mastery of the language.

practice Afrikaans in couple

Being in Love with an Afrikaans Partner Dramatically Increases Exposure and Practice with the Language

Ever hear the saying, “Practice makes perfect”? Well it’s absolutely true, especially when it comes to learning a new language. When you fall in love with an Afrikaans boyfriend or girlfriend, you are naturally going to increase your exposure to the language through text messages, Skype calls, or just basic interaction. By doing so, your vocabulary will quickly expand beyond flirtatious Afrikaans love words and phrases so you can have deeper, more meaningful conversations.

practice Afrikaans together

A Supportive Afrikaans Lover is the Best Study Aid You Can Find

We all make mistakes especially when trying to learn a new language. But when you are in love with a supportive Afrikaans girlfriend or boyfriend, they can gently point out your mistakes and help you master the language in a fraction of the time. Plus, falling in love with an Afrikaans man or woman dramatically increases your motivation to learn compared to students with no romantic attachments to a native speaker.


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3 Ways AfrikaansPod101 Helps You Learn Afrikaans Even Faster When In Love with a Native Speaker

All Resources and Materials Translated into Afrikaans and English to Help Both of You

Falling in love with an Afrikaans man or woman is actually an opportunity for both of you to potentially learn a new language! That’s why every single lesson, transcript, vocabulary list, and resource at AfrikaansPod101 is translated into both English and Afrikaans. So while your boyfriend or girlfriend can help you learn Afrikaans faster, you can potentially also help your lover learn and master English!

Afrikaans to english

Lessons Are Designed to Help You Understand and Engage with Afrikaans Culture

At AfrikaansPod101, our focus is to help our students learn practical vocabulary and phrases that are actually used by everyday people in South Africa. What this means is that from your very first lesson, you can start applying what you learn immediately! So when your Afrikaans girlfriend or boyfriend wants to go out to a restaurant, play Pokemon Go, or attend just about any social function, you have the vocabulary and phrases necessary to have a great time!

Access to Special Resources Dedicated to Romantic Afrikaans Phrases

Falling in love with an Afrikaans partner is much easier when you can communicate your romantic feelings correctly. That’s why AfrikaansPod101 has developed special sections and tools to teach you love words, phrases, and cultural insights to help you find and attract your soul mate!

However, while AfrikaansPod101 can certainly help you fall in love with an Afrikaans partner, a relationship is no substitute for studying. In fact, you will find it extremely difficult or even impossible to attract an Afrikaans girlfriend or lover without having at least a working knowledge of the language first. And even if everything goes perfectly and you do fall in love, communication is the key to every successful relationship. So if you fail to continue expanding your vocabulary and stop learning the language on your own, the relationship may quickly grow stale and fizzle out.

Without question, being in love with an Afrikaans native speaker can dramatically increase your mastery of the language and culture. However, falling in love or even attracting a mate will be extremely difficult if you don’t already have a basic working knowledge of the language. And while AfrikaansPod101 can certainly help you attract a lover with our special romantic tools and resources, it is important to keep studying to help facilitate better communication and master the language.