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Using Correct Afrikaans at the Bank
If you're living in South Africa you'll want a bank account. It's not hard to get started!
10 Lessons Beginner
If you're living in South Africa you'll want a bank account. It's not hard to get started!
10 Lessons Beginner
Asking for Directions in South Africa
You'll never get lost in South Africa with these lessons.
3 Lessons Beginner
You'll never get lost in South Africa with these lessons.
3 Lessons Beginner
Study the daily conversations you'll encounter every day in South Africa.
25 Lessons Beginner
Study the daily conversations you'll encounter every day in South Africa.
25 Lessons Beginner
Top 400 Activities: Daily Routines in Afrikaans
Want to talk about your day in Afrikaans? Learn 200 words and 200 sample sentences needed for daily life.
10 Lessons Beginner
Want to talk about your day in Afrikaans? Learn 200 words and 200 sample sentences needed for daily life.
10 Lessons Beginner
Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners
Listen to the dialog, answer the question, then get a full breakdown.
25 Lessons Beginner
Listen to the dialog, answer the question, then get a full breakdown.
25 Lessons Beginner
Reading Comprehension for Absolute Beginners
Try your hand at reading real Afrikaans in context.
10 Lessons Beginner
Try your hand at reading real Afrikaans in context.
10 Lessons Beginner
Quick & Easy Afrikaans Review for Beginners
You may have forgotten some of these words and phrases. Brush up now!
8 Lessons Beginner
You may have forgotten some of these words and phrases. Brush up now!
8 Lessons Beginner
Extensive Reading in Afrikaans for Beginners
Break into reading Afrikaans with these fun miniature books.
30 Lessons Beginner
Break into reading Afrikaans with these fun miniature books.
30 Lessons Beginner
Culture Class: Essential Afrikaans Vocabulary
What are the 5 most popular sweets in South Africa? What vocabulary do you need to know to have a conversation with Arikaans-speaking locals? You'll learn all this and more in this Culture Class Series!
25 Lessons Beginner
What are the 5 most popular sweets in South Africa? What vocabulary do you need to know to have a conversation with Arikaans-speaking locals? You'll learn all this and more in this Culture Class Series!
25 Lessons Beginner
Absolute Beginner Afrikaans for Every Day
In this fast-paced and fun series you'll learn the most popular Afrikaans phrases.
11 Lessons Beginner
In this fast-paced and fun series you'll learn the most popular Afrikaans phrases.
11 Lessons Beginner
Afrikaans Teachers Answer Your Questions
We answer your most commonly asked language questions.
25 Lessons Beginner
We answer your most commonly asked language questions.
25 Lessons Beginner
The 800 Core Words and Phrases
Learn the 800 most common words and phrases with this video series.
40 Lessons Beginner
Learn the 800 most common words and phrases with this video series.
40 Lessons Beginner
Level 2 Afrikaans
Start here for our official curated pathway for Level 2. This course is aligned with level A2 of the CEFR.
25 Lessons • 20 Assessments Beginner
Start here for our official curated pathway for Level 2. This course is aligned with level A2 of the CEFR.
25 Lessons • 20 Assessments Beginner
Must-Know Afrikaans Slang Words & Phrases
You won't find these in a textbook! Learn the way Afrikaans speakers actually talk.
25 Lessons Beginner
You won't find these in a textbook! Learn the way Afrikaans speakers actually talk.
25 Lessons Beginner
None of our lessons match your criteria
None of our lessons match your criteria